Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Use Everything - Waste Less

Dear reader in the Wardle household we try to waste a little less  and make things go a little further.
Our favourite thing to do on a Saturday morning is to go to North Shields fish quays for a little walk with the boys and to visit the fish shops...
This Saturday we needed salmon, we bought a whole fish and the fishmonger took the sides off,trimmed it and bagged it all up for us. They can do more but we do like to prepare our food as much as we can. Our favourite fishmongers in North Shields is Taylors, They are so helpful, they have bargain boxes of whole fish which we love to fillet ourselves and they are very child friendly and help to teach not only adults but children about there fish and seafood. In the world we live in I find teaching the children where there food comes from is very important, along with how to prepare there meals.

So with our whole salmon we had the sides cut and then portioned them up to how big we wanted them. When we got home the bones went straight into a pan to make some yummy fish stock which goes into the freezer for fish soups, stews, and noodle dishes. 

Left over were the fish trimmings to which we made into a salmon pate. It was so quick and simple.

Here is Tribe Wardles Salmon Pate Recipe:

Salmon Pate

  • Put the salmon into a pan with a dash of milk and cook (This takes under a minute we find).
  • Drain off excess fluids.
  • Put Salmon along with some Sour Cream and a knob of Butter into blender.
  • Blend.
  • Add a Clove of Garlic and a sprinkle of Dill.
  • Add more of what you feel your pate needs.
  • Season with Salt and Pepper.
  • Place in your dish.
(If not used that day you can put a layer of melted butter on top to stop pate drying out)

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Cute Table Number Blocks

For Isaac's christening Sunday dinner we had four tables and needed to seat everybody around said tables. With 40 people to seat with minimal effort we decided to do cubes/blocks with numbers transferred on along with pictures of Isaac.

We have some beams left over from the extension so we decided to make one into cubes... and transfer the pictures on this is how we did it:

  • Cut beams into cubes.
  • Sand cubes until smooth.
  • Print photos on to normal paper.
  • Put modge podge on to wood and paper.
  • Put paper photo side down.
  • Leave to dry over night.
  • Rub paper off with a wet cloth until you can see photo.
  • Leave to dry a while.
  • Then cover with some modge podge and jobs a good un.

End Result 

These worked well and we have them to keep as decoration in our house/ for the boys to play with.

Monday, 3 November 2014

Count Your Blessings... (catch up included)

So after not blogging to much as life has been hectic, We are back with this blog...
Every time I think of my life a song comes into my head, it doesn't matter if life is hard , bad, good, exciting or trying i think this song sums up everything, Count your blessings.

So as many people know we have had three miscarriages this year. Well we have been for a few appointments at the hospital to find out why... and so far the only thing tests are bringing up is that we shouldn't of/ cant get pregnant with out medical help... as sad as miscarriages and the prospect of not having more children is I can't help but feel massively blessed to have our boys...
along the route of this trying year we have became stronger as a couple and kept the mind set of having a path we are on and this is only part of it , there must be something in the bigger plan of life for us!
So Wednesday should of been my due date of the middle miscarriage and i will be sad that day but this year is nearly over and were ending it on a high! 

On Sunday Isaac was christened ... All of our family and friends gathered at St.Marys our local Church Of England Church which we got married in 3 and half years ago and had B christened two years ago in. It was a beautiful service , it was very spiritual and just what our Family needed.

(our lovely Godparents and Isaac )

After the service we went to Eslington Villas our favourite place to eat for these special occasions... it was a perfect Sunday afternoon with friends and family , the food was amazing , the wine and bubbly was flowing and i don't think the Wardles have ever felt so loved as we did yesterday. 

I can only Say we will count Yesterday, Our Friends & family as a huge Bless on our path as Tribe Wardle.